
Crypto tax reports in under 20 minutes

Let Koinly track your transactions & calculate your Irish crypto tax automatically and accurately!

  • Import data from 750+ platforms

  • Binance, eToro, Coinbase & more

  • DeFi, mining, staking, futures, NFTs

  • Calculate capital gains & income in EUR

Koinly - Euro Dashboard
🔌 800+ Integrations

Koinly integrates with 800+ crypto platforms including 350+ exchanges, 90+ wallets, 150+ blockchains. Plus support for thousands of coins and tokens.

🤑 Value for Money

Koinly gives you more for less, with a generous free plan that imports 10,000 transactions, supports 800+ integrations, and provides a free preview of your taxable crypto gains.

🧠 Free Portfolio Tracker

Enhance your cryptocurrency portfolio performance by keeping track of your real-time realized and unrealized profits and losses with Koinly.

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ Support

Koinly stands out as the highest-rated crypto tax software on Trustpilot, thanks to our unbeatable combination of exceptional product features and legendary user support.

How to file your crypto tax in Ireland

Step 1

Easily import your crypto trades

No more crazy spreadsheets! Koinly imports your transactions in a heartbeat. Bitbuy, Coinberry, Coinsmart, Newton, Wealthsimple? We got ‘em all. Simply connect your exchanges, wallets, and blockchains and let the magic begin.

  • Import data from 750+ platforms

  • Connect automatically or by CSV file

  • DeFi, NFTs, mining, staking & more!

Step 2

Preview your capital gains

Koinly’s super power? We understand how to calculate crypto gains and losses correctly! Koinly knows if a transaction was a capital gain, a loss, income, or a non-taxable event. And the best part? Koinly crunches the numbers for free!

  • Preview your capital gains, losses and income free

  • Report your crypto accurately

  • Pay the right amount of tax

Koinly - Features Euro Tax Summary
Step 3

Download your crypto tax report

Ready for the big reveal? Koinly’s calculated your crypto tax and sorted it into an awesome report that's compliant with Revenue's rules. Now, hook yourself up with an affordable plan, download your report, and file away! 

File crypto tax with confidence

Koinly supports over 750+ crypto platforms to bring all your trades into one place for efficient and accurate Revenue tax calculations, for free! You'll only pay to download your comprehensive tax report but don't worry, Koinly's paid plans are affordable and loaded with features.

Crypto investors in Ireland love Koinly!

Revenue demands rigorous reporting of crypto assets and income. Koinly offers the detail you need to file your crypto tax with confidence by 31 October. Investors in Ireland, the UK, and all across Europe share 5 star reviews on Trustpilot on the regular!

"One of the best customer experiences I have made! I can only recommend Koinly so far! It's easy and fast to use and Michael from Koinly was such a competent, super polite, patient and good vibes spreading person! Thanks Michael and keep shining your light!"

5 stars
Natascha Austria

"To be honest Koinly software has been a lifesaver and probably countless others in the same area as me, which is a stressful process to assure taxes are done right, just with how much we have to do in this space which is only evolving over time..."

5 stars
Naz UK

"Always a pleasure to work with this knowledgeable amazing helpful team. I will be renewing my subscription year on year with Koinly due to the excellent support provided. The platform is also super user friendly and easy to navigate. Thank you Koinly."

5 stars

FPM Accountants Limited reviewed the Koinly Irish tax calculator in March 2023. From their work undertaken they were satisfied that the calculator was compliant with Irish Revenue Commissioners tax guidance, including FIFO and wash sale rules, as at that date. Read more

Your frequently asked questions

How do cryptocurrency taxes work in Ireland?
I only made a loss on cryptocurrencies, do I still have to report to Revenue?
Are crypto to crypto trades taxed in Ireland?
How are mining, staking & hard forks taxed by Revenue?
How can I avoid paying tax on my Bitcoin trades?
Do I have to pay tax if I transfer crypto from one wallet to another?
How can Koinly help?