
Crypto tax reports in under 20 minutes

Let Koinly track your transactions & calculate your crypto tax automatically and accurately!

  • Import data from 750+ Platforms

  • Luno, Valr, Binance & more!

  • DeFi, Mining, Staking, Futures, NFTs

  • Calculate Capital Gains & Income in ZAR

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Crypto Tax South Africa - how does it work?

Wondering how SARS views crypto tax in South Africa? Our Ultimate South Africa Crypto Tax guide has you covered.

South Africa Crypto Tax Guide

File crypto tax with confidence

Koinly supports over 750+ crypto platforms to bring all your trades into one place for efficient and accurate SARS tax calculations, for free! You'll only pay to download your comprehensive tax report but don't worry, Koinly's paid plans are affordable and loaded with features.

How to file your crypto tax in South Africa

Step 1

Easily import your trades

No more crazy spreadsheets! Koinly imports your transactions in a heartbeat. Luno, VALR, Binance, Coinbase, Trustwallet, Metamask? We've got them all. Simply connect your exchanges, wallets, and blockchains and let the magic begin.

  • Import data from 750+ platforms

  • Connect automatically or by CSV file

  • DeFi, NFTs, mining, staking & more!

Koinly Features - Import Your Crypto Wallets
Step 2

Preview your capital gains

Koinly’s super power? We understand how to calculate crypto gains and losses correctly! Koinly knows if a transaction was a capital gain, a loss, income, or a non-taxable event. And the best part? Koinly crunches the numbers for free!

  • Preview your capital gains, losses and income free

  • Report your crypto accurately

  • Pay the right amount of tax

Step 3

Download your tax documents

Ready for the big reveal? Koinly’s calculated your crypto tax and sorted it into an awesome report that's compliant with SARS' rules. Now, hook yourself up with an affordable plan, download your report, and file away! 

  • Comprehensive crypto tax report. Generate a full crypto tax report with all your long/short term disposals.

Download your tax documents from Koinly

Crypto investors in South Africa love Koinly!

SARS demands rigorous reporting of crypto assets and income. Koinly offers the detail you need to file your crypto tax with confidence by 24th October. Investors in South Africa, the US, the UK and Australia share 5 star reviews on Trust Pilot on the regular!

"I'm a South African and I was dreading trying to sort out my crypto tax for my accountant, this was in October 2021. Once I'd got everything sorted out with the .csv files where necessary, and checked through all the transactions and made corrections where required, I was very impressed with the way Koinly was able to link all my different exchange accounts and track all the transfers and trades etc."

5 stars
Shane Percival South Africa

"Very easy to use and support for my country tax requirements."

5 stars
W Botha South Africa

"I am a guy in my seventies and learnt a little bit about computers and the world of cryptocurrency in my retirement. I had a nutty problem on a transaction that would not load up correctly on Koinly and that gave me a headache. Efosa from Koinly came to the rescue, he came down to my level and took me step by step to the correct position satisfactorily. Well done Efosa, the world needs more champions like you."

5 stars
Pravin Samani UK

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