Crypto tax reports in under 20 minutes
Let Koinly track your transactions & calculate your crypto tax automatically and accurately!
Import data from 750+ Platforms
Luno, Valr, Binance & more!
DeFi, Mining, Staking, Futures, NFTs
Calculate Capital Gains & Income in ZAR
File crypto tax with confidence
Koinly supports over 750+ crypto platforms to bring all your trades into one place for efficient and accurate SARS tax calculations, for free! You'll only pay to download your comprehensive tax report but don't worry, Koinly's paid plans are affordable and loaded with features.
How to file your crypto tax in South Africa
Easily import your trades
No more crazy spreadsheets! Koinly imports your transactions in a heartbeat. Luno, VALR, Binance, Coinbase, Trustwallet, Metamask? We've got them all. Simply connect your exchanges, wallets, and blockchains and let the magic begin.
Import data from 750+ platforms
Connect automatically or by CSV file
DeFi, NFTs, mining, staking & more!
Preview your capital gains
Koinly’s super power? We understand how to calculate crypto gains and losses correctly! Koinly knows if a transaction was a capital gain, a loss, income, or a non-taxable event. And the best part? Koinly crunches the numbers for free!
Preview your capital gains, losses and income free
Report your crypto accurately
Pay the right amount of tax
Download your tax documents
Ready for the big reveal? Koinly’s calculated your crypto tax and sorted it into an awesome report that's compliant with SARS' rules. Now, hook yourself up with an affordable plan, download your report, and file away!
Comprehensive crypto tax report. Generate a full crypto tax report with all your long/short term disposals.
Crypto investors in South Africa love Koinly!
SARS demands rigorous reporting of crypto assets and income. Koinly offers the detail you need to file your crypto tax with confidence by 24th October. Investors in South Africa, the US, the UK and Australia share 5 star reviews on Trust Pilot on the regular!
Popular Questions
How do cryptocurrency taxes work?
In South Africa, crypto is taxed in the same way as Gold and real estate. When you sell or trade crypto you have to pay tax on the difference between the selling price and the price you bought it for (minus any exchange fees). This is known as a Capital Gains Tax.
I only made a loss on cryptocurrencies, do I still have to report to SARS?
Yes. It doesn't matter if you only made losses, you still have to report it to SARS. In fact, it is in your best interests to report your losses as this is one of the best ways to reduce your crypto taxes in the future!
Are crypto to crypto trades taxed in South Africa?
Yes. Any exchange of cryptocurrencies is also a taxable event. For ex. if you exchange Bitcoin for Ripple, SARS and other tax agencies will treat this as a sale of Bitcoin at the market price of the XRP you received.
Capital Gains or Income Tax on crypto?
SARS is very clear that crypto is taxed in South Africa. They’re just not clear on the details, leaving many South African crypto taxpayers in the dark. With harsh penalties and possible jail time on the cards, you need crypto experts in your corner when it comes to tax time. Koinly has you covered with both the detailed reporting that SARS requires and the ability to share your Koinly portfolio with your accountant. This allows your accountant to get an accurate view of your taxable position, and make a clear argument on how you should be taxed.
So if you're looking for cryptocurrency calculator that works with South African tax rules, then Koinly has you covered. Koinly can automatically import and track your crypto portfolio gains and losses from one dashboard. This includes DeFi, Margin Trading, Futures, NFTs and more! Koinly has all the tools and features to keep you ahead of the curve and on top of your crypto taxes. Start tracking your South African crypto tax with Koinly today and beat the SARS income tax deadline!
How are Mining, Staking & Hard Forks taxed by SARS?
Typically, the same way as regular income. For ex. if you receive 10 BCH as a result of the Bitcoin Cash fork then you will need to declare this as additional income, using the fair market value of the BCH at the time you received it.
How can I avoid paying tax on my Bitcoin trades?
It's actually very difficult to avoid crypto tax in South Africa. Every time you transfer funds to an exchange you are leaving your fingerprints on the blockchain, and tax agencies like SARS can catch on to that. Increasingly, exchanges are being forced to hand over customer data to tax offices the world over.
Do I have to pay tax if I transfer crypto from one wallet to another?
No, you don't. As long as you own both wallets there's no tax to pay on transfers. However, you still have to keep track of the original cost of the transferred coins and have sufficient proof of it.
How can Koinly help?
Koinly automatically imports your transactions, finds all the market prices at the time of your trades, matches transfers between your own wallets, calculates your crypto gains/losses and generates your tax reports!