How to calculate crypto taxes with our tax calculator
Select the year you’re filing for
Choose whether you’re figuring out taxes for a single trade or your overall gains (multiple trades)
Fill in your figures
Switch short or long-term gains toggle on or off
Check your estimated tax bill
How do we estimate your capital gains taxes?
Our tax tool uses the information you’ve provided to identify the Income Tax bracket you fall into based on your annual income. These tax rates are then applied to the capital gains figures you’ve entered to calculate your estimated bill, with the 50% long-term Capital Gains Tax discount considered if applicable. If your income overlaps different tax brackets, we apply these tax brackets proportionally to give you an accurate estimation of your bill.
We use the ATO website as our source for Income Tax rates. Our capital gains tax calculator does not factor in any losses you may have incurred in previous years and only estimates taxes for individual investors, not traders with regular income who may be subject to different tax guidelines.
What if I don't have the information I need to use the capital gains tax calculator?
If you don’t know your figures, don’t panic - Koinly can figure them out for you. When you import your trading history to Koinly, it does all the hard work for you, including identifying your cost basis and the fair market value of any crypto income. It even factors in deductible trading fees, all automatically.
How Koinly calculates crypto taxes
Koinly makes crypto tax simple, whatever your transactions.
1. Connect accounts
Koinly supports more than 800+ exchanges, wallets, and blockchains automatically in most instances. Simply add your public address, API key, or upload a CSV file to import your data.
2. Review transactions
Check your data is imported correctly and your figures are accurate with automatic error detection and guides to help you every step of the way.
3. Generate tax report
Upgrade to a paid plan from $69 and generate the tax reports you need, however, you file. With 20+ crypto tax reports including the ATO myTax Report, EOY Holding Report, and income reports, as well as the option to simply invite your accountant to handle it for you.