How to Connect Binance Chain (BNB) with Koinly
Are you investing in Binance Chain (BNB)? Whether you're trading, staking or farming - it's incredibly easy to do your crypto taxes with Koinly.
To get started, simply connect Koinly to the Binance Chain (BNB) via your public address or CSV file upload. Once connected, Koinly imports all your trades automatically. Next, Koinly calculates all your gains, income and expenses with easy-to-spot totals ready for your tax return. At tax time, simply download the Koinly tax report for your country, and you’re good to file!
How to find your Binance Chain (BNB) public address
You can find your public address in the wallet you use to interact with the Binance Chain - for example, Trust Wallet, Ledger, or Binance Chain Wallet.
We have instructions on how to do this for a variety of popular wallets on our integration pages.
Please note: you’ll need to add your public address from every wallet you use to interact with BNB in order for Koinly to calculate your crypto taxes correctly.